Our Values

Edith Cadbury Nursery School

Our Values:

Our values underpin our practice and run through every aspect of our curriculum.  The best interests and welfare of our children is at the heart of all that we do.

 Our Values: We want our children to be:

Confident, Happy, Independent, Resilient, Courageous, Curious, Empathetic, Creative,

Confidence: To have the belief that they can do something

Happiness: To enjoy what they do and express themselves freely

Independence: To have the belief to try and do things for themselves

Resilience: To keep on trying even when it’s hard and persevere

Courageous:  To be brave, to take risks, to overcome difficult situations

Curiousness: Eager to learn more, not afraid to ask questions

Empathetic: Able to understand how others are feeling and others needs

Creative: To express yourself and your ideas through communication, expressions or creations

Respectful:  To treat others with tolerance and accept the differences of others


 What do we mean by…?

  • Curriculum: = Everything we want the children to experience, learn  and be able to do.
  • Skills: When we talk about skills throughout this document, we are referring to the things children are able to do.
  • Knowledge: When we talk about knowledge throughout this document, we are referring to the things children need to know and remember.
  • Experiences: Any opportunity readily available where children get involved and engage with. Children learn through their daily experiences at Shenley Fields.
  • Activities: Specific adult-initiated activity planned for and set up, with an intended outcome. Usually adult led.
  • Pedagogy: The strategies employed to teach knowledge and skills. 

“The curriculum is a top-level plan of everything the school wants the children to learn.  Planning to help every child to develop their language is vital.  The curriculum needs to be ambitious. Careful sequencing will help children to build their learning over time.  Young children’s learning is often driven by their interests and plans need to be flexible.  Their development is like a spider’s web with many strands, not a straight line.  Depth in early learning is much more important than covering lots of things in a superficial way.”  Development Matters 2023